L.O.L.! Fashion Designer
SKU: 18722
A light-up tracing pad that’s perfect for recreating all the outfits of the L.O.L. Surprise! characters.
Have fun tracing the images of the L.O.L. Surprise! dolls and decorating them with colours and stickers!
Simply place the drawing to be traced on the light-up tracing pad with a white sheet of paper, then switch on the pad and let the fun start!
A game that develops manual skills and creativity.
Conceived, designed and developed in Italy.
Age target
© MGA Entertainment. All related logos, names, chracters, distinctive likenesses and slogans, as well as the packaging images appearing thereon, are the exclusive property of © MGA Entertainment.
Box size (LxPxA)
45.1 x 31.1 x 7
1110 gr
Batteries needed